How many visitors can we expect in Town this weekend for Frozen Dead Guy Days???
Check out all the awesome events, like Coffin Races, the Polar Plunge, and more, at
Join us here at the Shopping Center for a LIVE Vulture Show sponsored by Wild Bear Nature Center, on Sunday starting at noon.
March 20 we celebrate two great days – the UN’s International Day of Happiness & International Storytelling Day… Visit the Carousel for a joy-filled ride, and stop into our Story Catcher to celebrate oral storytelling.

Grand Re-Opening of the Story Catcher!
Learn more about how to ‘catch’ a story….
Enter the sound booth and record your oral story with our sound equipment, and for a small donation we send you home with your story on a USB drive. There’s also a holder for your phone so you can record on your own. We love to hear your stories! Whether its about the Carousel, what taking a ride meant to you, about your visit to Nederland, or you FDGD weekend saga, we’d love to hear them all. Find the Instructions at the front desk, and here.