A nonprofit arts & culture organization  •  Nederland, CO  •  303.258.3457

Colorado Gives Day, Dec. 7

What is your favorite way to give?

November 1st kicks off the Giving season! 

Now through Dec. 7, you can visit the Colorado Gives website to make a pledge and support your favorite charities. 

If you can’t give monetary donations, that’s okay!  Your local charities also appreciate your time and other gifts.  Ask about ways to volunteer remotely, like assisting with social media or letter-writing campaigns.  Or maybe you can help in person, handing out food to those in need, or picking up donations near you to bring to the organization.  All of the local nonprofits in Nederland, and the state of Colorado, need your support.  $5 can go a long way if you can get 10 friends to join you. It takes a village!  And together we can shape a better world.  

Which ever way you choose to give, remember no gift is too small! 


Should you support the Food Pantry, Wild Bear, Teens Inc., the Carousel, or another fantastic organization?  With a CO Gives card, you can choose them all! 

CO Gives is a major fundraising day for over 3,000 Colorado charities. It supports general operations, as well as special funds, so these organizations can continue to operate year-round.

Last year, Colorado Gives Day raised over  $50 million for your local nonprofits.  

A great gift for family and friends, send a giving card through ColoradoGives.org, and they can spend it on any and all of the charities they choose.

The Carousel of Happiness has a mission to inspire happiness, well-being, and service to others through stories and experiences.

The Carousel is ADA accessible, we support veterans and their families, and also host various group visits, from local daycares, to special needs groups, and homes for the elderly. We have provided nearly a million rides, bringing joy to visitors from around the world.  

We envision our Carousel House as a welcoming and inclusive hub of positivity that supports, enhances and spreads well-being, happiness and joy.  We love seeing the smiles on visitors’ faces as we deliver on that promise to hundreds of riders each and every day.  The Carousel is a place you can be a kid again, no matter what age you are.  Some say there is magic alive here…

A message from the Founder,                                                    November 2012

“Is the Carousel of Happiness magic?  It is to me.  It will continue to be so to you and others if we recognize that its one mission is to delight, to bring joy, to bring smiles, and to give the gift of a pleasant surprise to all who visit.” 
~ Scott Harrison ~
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Mon March 17th

to Thurs March 20th



11am to 5pm






11am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm

Last ride of the day at 4:45pm

Call (303) 258-3457 for more information

Sign up for our Newsletter!

Before you go, sign up for our e-newsletter for monthly updates, stories, and more…

We are a 501c3 Arts and Culture organization on a mission to promote happiness, well-being, and service to others through stories and experiences.  Your donation today will keep us spinning for another year!