A nonprofit arts & culture organization  •  Nederland, CO  •  303.258.3457

Memorial Bench Donations

The Carousel is accepting donations for a bench that will be placed in the Carousel in memory of Brandon Bryk (1983-2016). More information about the fund follows.

To contribute, enter a dollar amount below; you will be prompted for your credit card information. Thank you!

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The Community Memorial Bench at the Carousel of Happiness

brandon bryk Brandon Bryk, a long-time local Nederland resident, was a man with great passion and loyalty, whose life was exemplified by the motto “Live, Laugh, Love.” Brandon’s family and friends were the most important thing to him.

The Community Memorial Bench, inspired by Brandon, is dedicated not only to him, but to all of those within our community who we have loved, but are no longer with us.

The family, the Carousel of Happiness, and Marion Reynolds (the creator of the bench) have come together on this project to fulfill that vision.

The Community Memorial Bench will be placed in the Carousel of Happiness building, a place near and dear to the community.

We are accepting donations for the creation and installation of the bench. We hope that all residents who would like to memorialize a friend or family member will consider donating.

The bench will be metal, with the Sun, Moon, and Tree of Life incorporated into the design. A memorial plaque will be hung above it and all donors will be recognized.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 to cover all expenses associated with the creation, installation and dedication of the bench. Please help us make this a reality by clicking the donate button here, or by sending your donation to:

The Community Memorial Bench
c/o The Carousel of Happiness
PO Box 1811
Nederland, CO 80466

The Carousel of Happiness is a 501c3 organization registered with the IRS. Donations are tax-exempt to the extent of the law.

To contribute, enter a dollar amount below; you will be prompted for your credit card information. Thank you!

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Mon March 17th

to Thurs March 20th



11am to 5pm






11am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm

Last ride of the day at 4:45pm

Call (303) 258-3457 for more information

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We are a 501c3 Arts and Culture organization on a mission to promote happiness, well-being, and service to others through stories and experiences.  Your donation today will keep us spinning for another year!