A nonprofit arts & culture organization  •  Nederland, CO  •  303.258.3457

Cast Your Vote for the Next Mayor!

Every two years, we elect the Mayor of the Carousel of Happiness.  This animal’s duty is to ensure the peaceful and joyful rotation of the carousel, implement a welcoming and inclusive space for all, and of course to keep spreading joy and happiness to all our visitors.

$1 = 1 Vote!  Vote as many times as you like, there is no limit.

All donations are tax-deductible!  TAX ID # 20-358-4335

Votes can be purchased at the front desk, or online by using the button above.

Please note: when voting online you must make one transaction per candidate. Minimum transaction is $1. 

0 Votes

Campaign Partners:

(Dragon does not have any campaign partners yet, donate $100 or more to become one!)

Wonder Scouts:

Melody Baumhover

(To sign up as a Wonder Scout and get perks for recruiting new voters, send us an email or sign up at the Carousel)

0 Votes

Campaign Partners:

(Lion does not have any campaign partners yet, donate $100 or more to become one!)

Wonder Scouts:

David Packer

(To sign up as a Wonder Scout and get perks for recruiting new voters, send us an email or sign up at the Carousel)

0 Votes

Campaign Partners:

(Pig does not have any campaign partners yet, donate $100 or more to become one!)

Wonder Scouts:

Allie Wagner

(To sign up as a Wonder Scout and get perks for recruiting new voters, send us an email or sign up at the Carousel)

Candidates for Mayor 2025: Dragon - Lion - Pig

Become a Campaign Partner! Donate at least $100

Want to be an official campaign partner for your candidate?  Give $100 or more to be named a campaign partner, and get some FREE stuff!

Reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions!

Help Your Candidate Win! Sign up to be a Wonder Scout

When you sign up to be a “Wonder Scout” for your candidate’s campaign, you help us raise donations, and hopefully get your candidate to win!

Step 1:

To become an official “Wonder Scout,” someone who campaigns for the Mayor Candidates, stop in the carousel house or send us an email with your name, email address, phone number, and the candidate you will be campaigning for.

Step 2:

Tell all your friends and family!  Send them to the carousel,  or to the online form, to place their votes. You can request fliers for your candidate and hang them anywhere you have permission to do so. Be sure to have them give your name as a reference, and we’ll add them to your list of recruited voters!

Step 3:

Collect your perks for helping us raise more funds!

  • Refer 10 people to vote, and get a free Carousel Ride
  • Refer 20 people to vote, and get a free Carousel T-Shirt
Help Us Campaign! For Mayor of the Carousel and help us raise funds to keep spinning.

Contact us at [email protected] with any questions

Current Mayor of the Carousel:


May 2023 - May 2025

Campaign Manager: Snake

Opponents: Frog, Panda

“Sticking my neck out for my fellow animals here at the carousel.”

Because of my unique perspective (I am tall!), no creature big or small will go unnoticed during my term as Mayor of the Carousel. While some candidates will only go for the low-hanging fruit, I will always reach above and beyond to represent all, to make the carousel a happy place for all of my fellow creatures.  Many of the other community members already look up to me, and I will go to great lengths to protect our happy habitat. As many people know, giraffes are loyal, protective and playful, making me the best candidate for mayor of the Carousel.

Former Mayor of the Carousel:


May 2021 - May 2023

Campaign Manager: Giraffe

Opponents: Peacock, Mermaid

“You can always park your caboose on Moose!”

He’s suave, he’s confident, his knowing eyes just know. And, just in case you didn’t know, Moose has not one, but TWO Twitter accounts – right on his antlers! Yes, those little birds send out tweets all the time. How about that?

As Mayor, Moose has worked his hardest to keep the Carousel spinning. He doesn’t spin the news. He doesn’t spin the truth. He stands his ground with his two little Twitter feeders, and goes around and around! 

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Monday Feb 24th

to Thurs Feb 27th



11am to 5pm






11am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm

Last ride of the day at 4:45pm

Call (303) 258-3457 for more information

Sign up for our Newsletter!

Before you go, sign up for our e-newsletter for monthly updates, stories, and more…

We are a 501c3 Arts and Culture organization on a mission to promote happiness, well-being, and service to others through stories and experiences.  Your donation today will keep us spinning for another year!