A nonprofit arts & culture organization  •  Nederland, CO  •  303.258.3457

March 11 2013

It is time for the pelican! On the original sketch George and I included a mallard flying into the building. Nothing against mallards, but we decided a pelican would be more fun. George has sketched a pelican halfway through the wall coming in for a landing. I always say, when people ask me, what is my favorite animal, that it is whatever I am carving at the time. And sure enough, it is true again. I have already cut out the feet, legs, body, head and neck of this guy. Not much to see except glued up blocks, so I am also including George’s sketches and my measurements and notes on one of them.

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Today and for the next two days, along with the other members of our volunteer Maintenance Monkeys group, I am doing a major maintenance upgrade to the carousel mechanism so will get back to the pelican Wednesday afternoon I hope.


Until next time . . .

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Mon March 17th

to Thurs March 20th



11am to 5pm






11am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm


10am to 5pm

Last ride of the day at 4:45pm

Call (303) 258-3457 for more information

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