Oberon the Wonder Dog, by his friend and guardian, Bruce
Oberon the Wonder Dog was ½ Sheepdog and ½ Bearded Collie, and was a magnificent creature of Light, Love, and Happiness. He loved, and was loved, by everyone he met. He could run like the wind on the back of tomorrow, and was more intelligent than both you and I together think that we are. He liked to talk on the phone and one day first told my mother, “I love you” quite audibly, and when she was amazed at that, again said, ‘I love you” and then her name. He would sing to the kids in the park where he ran, and his last song was a request- Fly Me to the Moon, (which somehow he knew). He made everyone feel as Happy as he. He was greatly loved every day of his life, and within his Spirit knew that he was the best dog there could be. He ate brown rice, ground turkey, and candied salmon every day, and howled as his carrot juice was prepared for him. His best animal friend was a large deer, and the nearby bear and he respectfully shared the woods together. In his very first encounter with a horse, they touched noses tight away. He was a beautiful and amazing being.
Unfortunately, when he was 7, a vaccination ate away the nerve covering in his spine, and he began a 4 ½ year decline; first losing the use of his back legs, and after a year with back wheels, losing the use of his front legs. The last year of his life he was totally paralyzed, as the disease crept up his spine toward his brain. Faced with the worse, we could only do the best, and turn a world of misfortune into a world of even greater love, caring, and attention. For all that he bravely put up with, every day was an especially good day in our lives together. Every day was the best.
Oberon loved Christmas and birthdays; his favorite thing was to sing Happy Birthday to people. And he especially loved his birthday. Every year he had an immense celebration with all the works. For two months before his 12th birthday, I told him daily that we were having his party at the Carousel of Happiness that year. He did not know what I meant, but was somehow excited anyhow. And that’s just what we did. We rented the Carousel for what turned out to be the first birthday party held at the Carousel, and the last birthday of Oberon’s.
Though Oberon could not walk, he lay down on the Carousel floor and had the time of his life. He was amazed when the Carousel began to move, and it blew his mind when the animals went up and down. (He was carried around and had met each of the animals before the ride.)
From that day on, everyday for the next 3 ½ months, Oberon happily recalled his ride and greatly anticipated his next birthday there. Unfortunately he died on October 13, 2010, but gracefully passed painlessly and swiftly to “Somewhere Else”. It was his great life and love he spun which was a part of the impetus of this project, for which he will aptly and always be remembered. And for which Scott so graciously gave his legs back to him.
For as art mirrors life, he was truly-
Oberon the Wonder Dog,
the Magical sheepdog who rode the Carousel of Happiness
and went to Heaven.